onsdag 15. juli 2009


Why a disclaimer?

We are living in a world where hurt feelings are on the rise. Where people are "hurt" by someone's descriptions, thought or opinions. I respect that a lot of people might feel almost targeted by other people's opinions and views. But at the same time, I think that we must be open minded and accept that not everyone thinks the way we do, react the way we do, and accept all other's opinion. Truman once said that "all cultures have the right to live". I tend not to agree. Cultures that in their expressions have a detrinous or even deadly effect on people, have no right to live. If people starve to death because of culture, I see no reason for the culture to be protected. If people spread AIDS because of their culture, I see no reason to protect that culture. I know I am hurting someone's feelings by writing this, but I will not live in the "tyrany of the hurt feelings".

Some might think that my descriptions and depictions are at times a bit over the top. That I am mocking on the border of racism. This is not and has never been my intentions. I describe what I find funny, interesting, annoying, uncomprehensible, despairing etc. Without filter. I try to describe the world as I experience it, hence the title of this blog. I seldom laught AT people. Most of the time I laugh WITH them. When I laugh at people's doubtful attempts at speaking english, it is because they laugh at it themselves. People also normally laugh at my pathetic attempts at speaking their language...

I come to a country where I don't know the language. Where everyone looks different. Where the food tastes different. Where lots of things are done differently from where I come from. This is probably a lot like what an immigrant would feel arriving in my country. They too arrive in a society they don't understand, with a language they don't understand and a culture they don't understand. Collisions arise from this. That is what I am describing. I am trying to describe what I see, feel and think as a Norwegian trying to comprehend my surroundings. What is the most natural thing for locals may be a nightmare for me.

If I wasn't born an optimist and if I din't have my sense of humor, all my vacations would probably have been package tours to the Canary Islands or something. Where nothing can go wrong, and if they do, there are people to handle it. Where the food is adapted to my tastebuds. But I like a challenge. Try to understand other cultures. Other languages and expressions. Not just the words, but their meanings. And this is sometimes the hardest part. When on a trip to Tanzania, came back to my hotel in Dar es Salaam after a few days on Zanzibar, the receptionist put on a big smile and exclaimed "Mr. Ragnar, you have become fat!". In Norway, this would have been an insult. Most places in Africa, it is a compliment. Sometimes, these differences are easily missed.
Sometimes, I have laid on the bed in a flea-ridden hotelroom, where the roaches fight for space on the floor, and the paint on the ceiling is falling down on me in small pieces. And I laugh my heart out. If I hadn't had this ability to see the comical in the tragical, I would have jumped on the first plane home. Luckily, I never do. And I experience more than most people.

Hope you enjoy this trip with me!

Aka "Globetrotter"

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