onsdag 15. juli 2009


Vietnam is the country I am heading for this year. But with a stop in Shanghai. After last year's trip to China, I was a bit weary about going to China for the second time. But one of the longest solar eclipses and the fact that I could travel to Hanoi for just over half the price compared to going direct, had a very convincing effect on me. So here I go again.
In Shanghai, I am going to an island called Shengsi. There I will meet most of the people I watched the eclipse with last year, in addition to a bunch of other people. That will be great. Hopefully, the weather will be fine on the day. So keep those fingers crossed on the 22'nd. My hopes are certainly up. I've got a good feeling about this.
I hope that you all will enjoy my blog and that it will maybe give you a feeling of "being there" as one friend of mine described it. That it will be both entertaining and perhaps a bit eye-opening. As always, I have written a disclaimer. But I hope that it is really unnecessary.

Aka "nagga"

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