Yesterday, I decided to stay in Blantyre. I was thinking of going to a place further south to see teh tea plantations. But I decided that I had had enough travelling for a while, and decided just to stay in Blantyre and having a lazy walk around town. The day before, I had found a cinema in a shopping mall 3 km out of town. They were showing "Ironman 3" and "Parker". I had seen the first, so I wanted to see "Parker". But first, I wanted to go back to the Mandala House to actually read something from Stanley. I went there and took out the book and sat down with a couple of girls. They were active in a conversation, but when I sat daown, they started to wisper. Suited me fine. I opened the booke carefully. From the very first page, I knew this was my kind of book. Even though the writing was "ancient" and the language strange, it was a thrill to read. The book had been published not long after Stanley returned. And the publisher also added a special note declaring that this was a hasty project. And thus the book may contain some errors, some spelling mistakes and such. I loved it. I read Stanley's preface and the first chapter. I forgot time and space, and was completely consumed by his descriptions of what he saw, who he met and how he perceived people and areas around him. I loved it. This is the way I WANT to write this blog. But my feeble scriblings in this blog become mere fifth-grader musings in comparison. It was clear to me, THIS was the way to write about your travels. A way that gets the user hooked and sucked into the story. With descriptions so vivid it is almost like I can see it, touch it and smell it. I wish I someday will be able to write half as good.
I was awaken from the journey into Stanley's world by one of the girls saying that they were soon going to lunch. And were closing up. "Just this chapter!" I said, and they agreed. They had the keys and were locking up the library when they left. I endulged myself one last time in the final pages of the chapter, closed the book and left with a smile on my face.
The route Stanley travelled to find Livingstone |
Given that Stanley lived in an era of prejudices and fairytales about other races, it is astounding to see how Stanley is able to shake off what he has heard, observe for himself and conclude on that.
I walked into town and took out my camera. Wanted to take some photos of people, streets and buildings. Blantyre is much larger than I could hope to cover in one lazy afternoon, but I found some interesting (to me) motifs. I shot a few frames before deciding to fill my empty stomach. A meal of chicken shawarma did the job. With a full stomach, I walked back to my hotel and crashed on the bed. Still dreaming of great adventures and adventurers. Those were the days!
Blantyre used to be the capital of Malawi |
Once tax office, now tourist information |
Street tailors ready for any assignment |
The receptionist was unable to get my name correct. So she had new names for me every day when I paid for the next night. First night she wrote "Ragnar Gies". Next night she wrote "Jeremah"!!! The final night I told her that "Jeremah" was NOT correct. I spelled out my name, and the receipt read "Ragnar Jeremah!". Whatever....
Ragnar Gies. No! Jeremah! Definitely NO! Ragnar Jeremah! Ok. Whatever.. |
After a quick nap, I headed east to the shopping mall and the cinema. They opened at 4.30, and I wanted to be there early to secure my ticket. To my amusement, I found that Hollywood-movies where actually cheaper to watch that Bollywood. I bought one ticket for "Parker" and went up to the shopping mall while waiting for the movie to start. The skies were darkening. The sun was setting. I enjoyed the cool of the evening. Watching people going about their business. Like anywhere else in the world. The shopping centre reminded me a bit of those one find in the US. The design and the surroundings. Probably have got their inspiration from those. At 5.15 I walked down in the basement to the cinema. The entrance was the same for the public toilet and the underground parking. A small door to the left when entering, led you to the cinema centre. I was the only one there. I bought a bucket of popcorn and went into theatre 2. After 5 minutes, a cinema attendant came and apologized, but the machinist had accidentaly swapped the movies, So I had to go to theatre 1. I got up and walked to the theatre next door. Sat there until 10 minutes after the movie was supposed to start. I was still alone in the theatre. The attendant came again and apologized. They would only show the movie if there where at least 3 people in the theatre. There where two for the other movie, so if I went there, they would show "Ironman 3". I told him I had already seen that movie. "Ok. Go to the ticket office to get a refund." I have to admit I was a bit disappointed, but what to do? I left the building. It was now almost dark. I wondered whether I should take a taxi back into town, but decided to walk. As it got darker and darker, in the end I had only the siluettes of the other people on the sidewalk to guide me. It took a bit longer to walk back. Gievn I had to walk slower. But it was a good walk. 45 minutes later, I was back in town and went to buy something to drink before I returned to my hotel.

This morning I woke up early (as usual), and had a shower. I was taking the 7-bus to Lilongwe. I arrived at the bus-station at 06.30. A lady was wating with what appeared to be her whole house. They brought out the big scales. More than 500 kg of luggage. I do believe she had to pay for a slight amount fo excessive luggage... The bus didn't arrive before after 7, but there weren't many people going on my bus, so we were off 10 minutes later. The trip was mostly eventless, save for the bus driver getting caught in a speed trap and having to pay a fine...
I had checked the guide I borrowed from Sigrid and found that the bus-station for Axa wa just beside the hotel I stayed in last time I was in Lilongwe. So when we arrived, I decided to skip Crossroads this time, and ride to their final stop. This proved to be far away from what the guide said. I asked around, and a lady told me that this was area 3, which I hoped it would be. So I tried finding out which road was passing by the stop. But nobody knew. In the end I found a guy who said that area 3 was on the other side of town. ARGH! I found a small fast food shop and got me a burger and some fries. Needed some energy. Then I started looking for a minibus to get me to Crossroads or somewhere close I was asking every driver I saw for Crossroads, but they all waved me off. Then I heard a guy shouting "Shoprite". I assumed it was Crossroads, so I hopped on. After about 15 minutes (of which half was wating for passangers to arrive) we arrived at Shoprite. I looked around and recognized the place. This was 5 minute walk from the Korea Gardens Lodge. The place I stayed from Sunday to Monday! I got off and walked to the hotel. A guy tried to become "my guide and friend" but I waved him off. After a short walk I arrived at the hotel. They had one cheapo-room left. I took it. So here I am. I will meet Sigrid tonight, and tomorrow afternoon, my flight (hopefully) leaves from Lilongwe International Airport. I am on my way to my final leg of this vacation. I am looking forward to that. Have no idea what lies ahead. Love it! :-)
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