But what I have been able to do, is to take at least some trips around the towns I have been and taken a number of photos. Like today, I walked for three hours around greater parts of Hanoi. Taking photos of scenic spots. And even some "illegal" shots. There where a few buildings where guards would come running and shaking their fingers. I did what I have done before. Let my camera hang to my side, and pretend to look at something completely different whole taking the photo. Too many great buildings were "off limits". So I just ignored the "verboten"-sign and pretended to be "touristas stupido" in case they complained.
During the walk, I saw the same thing I see in all communist countries. It is the perfect example of what Orwell wrote in his famous book "Animal Farm", where "comrade Napoleon" rewrites the laws of their revolution by writing "all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.". And thus they had access to more luxury and rights. As I see everywhere, the partymembers have enourmous mansions and palaces, paid by the money that was supposed to feed the people. And riding in luxury cars when everybody else barely has enough money for a bicycle. Some are more equal than others. I cannot but wonder how many starved so that the enormous buildings and mansions could be built in the name of communism.
And on top of it all, the vast size of the Ho Cho Mihn mausoleum. Several hectars of the city has been used for a gigantic park and mausoleum for "oh great leader". If he was one of the people, then why spend millions and possibly billions of dollars to erect a monument to his glory? If he was a true communist, he wouldn't want anybody to waste such amounts of money that could have been spent on the people, and building the nation. But like I always say, there is a difference between political socialism and real socialism. In real socialism, you share yours with others, so they can have a better life. In political socialism, you force others to share with you, so you can have more. The first is based on altruism, the latter on selfishness.
I have included some of the photos I took today. Enjoy!
At the local market. Dried fish in all varieties and fresh fruit.
I didn't really know what to make of this statue, so I called it "The statue commemorating the revolution in power grids when the two-prong contact was replaced by the three-pronged by our heroic leaders. "
The result after the revolution...
Giant area beside the mausoleum.
Forbidden image of some building.

The mausoleum.
Train tracks going through the city.
If you worship Steve Jobs, then this is a MUST!
My t-shirt after the walk.
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