mandag 29. juli 2024

Canyon of fairytales

 Not much to say about this. The reason I went to the small town of Bokonbayevo, is not that town. Although it is definitely worth a visit. The thing that lured me here was the "fairytale canyon".

I try not to keep any high hopes for any tourist attraction, but this certainly fulfilled whatever I thought of it. It was truly a beautiful place. Although the name comes from the fact that people with fantasy (me not included then) can see animals, people and objects everywhere. I could make out the wall of China and maybe the head of a dinosaur.

But regardless, the shear amount of shapes and colors made it worth a visit. You can probably spend many hours walking around the small canyon. Because it is small. Like a couple of km from end to end. On the footpath. So it is easy to handle for even middle aged outta shape guys like me.

Enjoy the photos, which by no means do any justice to the wonderful shapes and colors...

Soria Moria castle?

A dino baby?

Utsikt til Issyk-kul. Innsjø med fantastisk farge

Great wall of China?

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