mandag 22. juni 2015

How can I sleep?

Today I leave. Last night was the last night under some of the clearest, cleanest and most beautiful skies I have ever seen. It was hard to go to bed. But I knew I had a long journey ahead of me today. I am heading home. I have collected more photons in two weeks here than I normally do in a year at home. My USB-stick is brimming with images ready to be processed during the long, cloudy nights at home.
I am tired, but not tired OF sleepless nights. Only tired BECAUSE of sleepless nights. But how can I sleep when looking up at skies like these? Skies that makes you think deep and hard about our place in cosmos. And all those things I struggle with in my daily life, seem so small when standing like this. Looking up at the Milkyway. I drew a final sigh, and headed into my tent. It was hard to fall a asleep, but I slept like a baby. Ready for uprooting my home for the last 12 nights.
Goodbye Namibia! I will be back. Some music to listen to while looking at the picture below. (Click for a large version)

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